04 February, 2009

You know me the best

This song is about the love of your life, and it finally being your turn.

About the artist: Róisín Murphy has an incredible voice. And she is soooo strange, I love it! She's like a somewhat normal Björk. Which isn't saying much, I know. But she is so funky and fresh. Eeehh...correction: She's like
Björk meets Debbie Harry meets Lady Gaga. Yea, that's a much better description.

So this is probably one of my favorite songs...ever. I'm not quite sure if I have ever felt this way about anybody. But just listening to this song MAKES me want to fall in love with my best friend! It's so catchy and groovy!

Róisín Murphy - You Know Me Better (Download)

1 comment:

  1. I actually like this song, its funny cause i paused it and stepped away from my computer for a minute and was totally singing the lyrics as i was walking in my house. It is a very catchy song, I was feeling the lyrics and everything!
