11 November, 2010

Snap out of it!

Damn you Daylight Savings! I'm all sorts of backwards right now. What is the point anyway? Great, I see the sun earlier in the morning, and my drive home from work is black as hell. Wonderful. What a dumb system. 

There's something about autumn and the changing of the season that makes me think a whole lot. I think about what's missing, rather than my blessings. Although I'm probably the happiest I've been in a long time, it still feels like something isn't right. And I know I'm not alone. I hear negativity all around me, just by listening to my friends talk or reading my friends' Facebook status messages and what not. The cold weather takes away our spirit, and we're left feeling unmotivated and uninspired.

So what does one do to snap out of this dismal mood? Just with almost anything else, I find solitude in music. 

I downloaded the album Contraption by Beats Antique last night before I went to bed...solely because I heard one of the songs on Pandora yesterday afternoon and liked it. Well, I was in my usual gloomy morning mood as I drove to work this morning. Until...I played my new album and instantly that mood was reversed. Instantly, all the negative thoughts went away. Instead, my mind began circling around all the positivity in my life. And I began taking mental notes of all the things I want to do today, tomorrow, over the weekend, during the winter, etc. 

It's so easy to get stuck in that winter depression, but I'm not going to let that happen. I'm far too perky and optimistic for that nonsense. And I was reminded of this as I danced all the way to work in my car. 

Beats Antique - Mission

Beats Antique - She's Looking For Something


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