20 October, 2010

My Happiness Project

Well hot damn! Did I really go the entire month of September with not a single blog post? Shame on me. Totally unacceptable. YOU might not care...but this is the place where I get my creative juices flowing. This is the place where I can vent and share and discuss the thing I love most in this world: music. And I have totally been slacking.

And it hasn't been without consequence. I've been feeling quite lethargic lately, and lost. I always believed pursuing one's passion was essential to life...and I somehow lost sight of this priority.

Some of you might be feeling as down as I have been. The fall weather sometimes does that to us, especially here in Chicago. We go from hot temperatures, beautiful flowers and days spent on the lakeshore to chilly days and gloomy skies. It can be difficult to keep your optimism when everything around you is darkening.

But you know...there is another way to look at things. The fall and early winter symbolizes the end of a year. That's 365 days of your life gone, and a new 365 await!

I just bought a book over the weekend: The Happiness Project. I'm only about 10 pages into it, but I already feel better about myself and my future. And I encourage you all to re-evaluate your life, your priorities, your values...and most importantly, what truly makes YOU happy. I know I sound like a hippie, but I don't really give a $hit. I'm sick of putting everything and everyone before me. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you. How can you taste the real Jazzy flavor, when I'm always worrying about something or someone?

It's time to stop worrying, and make a change. That change begins now, with this post. Here are some tracks that are currently getting me pumped for all the endeavors that await me tomorrow, next week, next month and into 2011.
