11 August, 2010

Stoner rock maaaaaan

The thing that I love about the progression of rock music is that it is so unpredictable. And my musical taste buds have been transforming just as much as the music over the years. I hated metal and all forms of aggressive rock many years ago, but I must say I am really digging the direction in which rock music is going and has been going over the past few years.

It seems as though the heavier guys (not the emo, wannabe-punk bands...I'm talking REAL rock music here, folks) have been moving into a stoner rock direction. Mostly instrumental and lots of trippy melodies. Not too much focus on vocals. It's about the technicality of the music and its many progressions. 

I have recently been introduced to the MANY bands that subscribe to this quasi-genre. Isis, Irepress, Mogwai and Animals as Leaders are just a few. And one of my hometown favorites...Russian Circles. The first time I heard one of their tracks, I was NOT too impressed. Theirs is the kind of music that grows on you. You have to really get into it. Pay attention. And when you do, you will be floored by their brilliance.

So when I found out they're playing a show at the Metro in Chicago this Friday, you better believe I got a ticket immediately. I have a feeling this is the kind of show that will move me and the rest of the crowd and stimulate all sorts of thoughts. I look forward to the mind trip.

The songs below are both the opening tracks on two different albums. Russian Circles sure know how to suck the listener in. If you're not vibing two minutes into each track, you have no soul! 

Russian Circles - Carpe

Russian Circles - Fathom


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