03 April, 2009

You're in my mind, you're in my heart

So I'm sitting at the San Francisco airport right now, killing time until my favorite person comes to pick me up. I've been traveling through California on business for the past seven days, and I haven't really had a moment to myself. I got a hold of the new MSTRKRFT album just before I left for Cali, but I'm just now listening to it for the first time. The first few songs were typical MSTRKRFT jams; I wasn't too surprised. Don't get me wrong, they're hot, but I wanted something different. Then THIS song came on the headphones, and I immediately had to log on and tell you about it.

You might recognize the beginning melody: "Apologize" by One Republic. I know that track had its 15 minutes of fame, but I hated it. This song blows that one away...in my opinion. I'm sure mainstreamers out there will hate it. But I love it. Lyrics are deep, beat is catchy. It's a great track to become obsessed with just as the weather is getting warm. I'll be driving through the Chicago streets with the windows down, wind breezing through my hair in no time. And this'll be on my crusing soundtrack. I hope it will be on yours too.

Man I miss Chicago. You're in my mind, you're in my heart.


  1. Oh you are my favorite person too :) And I like the song too!!!
    Love you


  2. What up Jazzy?!?! My job totally cracked down on the Facebook, so no more music chats during work hours! haha! MSTRKRFT is one of my faves as you already know! They were on Jimmy Kimmel last night performing "Bounce". Not so good live on a small stage with N.O.R.E. and Isis killing it. I'm sure they bang hard when they're in there own element! Peace out!

    David (The Shogun of Elmhurst)
