28 April, 2009

Sometimes a girl just needs to cry

Sometimes my heart breaks. Sometimes I'm lonely. Sometimes I'm so overwhelmed with heartache that all I want to do is sit in the fetal position and cry my eyes out. I know, this kind of self-deprecation may not sound too healthy or appealing to some of you folks. But for me it can be therapeutic. I mean... before you go thinking I'm an emotional wreck, let me make one thing clear. This is a rare occurrence. I'm a happy, fun-loving free spirit. It takes a lot to upset me. But sometimes I just need a good cry to let it all out.

So anyway, on to this track. This one's called "Move On Now" by Hard-Fi, one of my absolute favorite Brit rock bands. The singer is deliciously adorable, and their tunes are catchy. This one, however, is one of their more mellow and sappy tracks. And I love it. If you're ever in need of a tearjerker, this one may just do the trick. The title is pretty self-explanatory. It's about a break-up, duh. If you're not feeling it right away, keep listening to at least the 3:25 mark, when the brass kicks in.

Now go grab a tissue, ladies...

Hard-Fi - Move On Now


  1. Reminds me of "Run" from Snow Patrol. I like this type of music from time to time. This is right up there with Aqualungs last album and any Chet Baker song.



  3. Screw it all. Don't be sad Jazzy Juice.

  4. Wow, Great song. Shows some sadness behind the eyes of the Jazzy one. So, like everyone else said, don't be sad Jazzy

  5. Aaww, you're so sweet Joe Murphey, whoever you are :)

  6. why are you so sad? what's wrong?

  7. Everything is fine, pals. Thanks for the concern. I'm just thinking too much. And it'll pass...

  8. Jazzy what happened? Had to be serious if you don't typically get sad.

  9. Nothing serious, anonymous. Just having a moment. Like I said...it'll pass. And I'll be back to my normal wild self in no time :)
