27 March, 2009

Going going, back back, to Cali Cali

It seems like I just got back from New York City, and I'm already heading out of town once again. This time to sunny California. However, this trip is mostly business...some pleasure. This
should be quite the adventure though. My coworkers and I will be driving along the coast from San Diego to San Francisco, making stops along the way, and sleeping in different hotels each night. Although the trip is a lot of fun, it's also a lot of work, and I'll be exhausted by the end of next week. Thankfully, I get to relax and unwind an extra few days in San Fran with my cousin Miki.

I went on this exact same trip last year, but it's going to be completely different this time. I'm on a totally different level. I was a mess last year, and I let a lot of outside noise affect my journey. Not this time! I'm going to enjoy California and take in all the beauty. What a perfect opportunity for self-reflection!

Ok...enough of that jib jab. Let's get to some music. I'm in a fabulous mood, and I figured I should throw on some disco house for you folks. This'll definitely get my adventure started right! I'm ready!

Kano - I'm Ready


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjx5_-SPhk0&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevent.php%3Feid%3D61357413671&feature=player_embedded

  2. CUZZO...dis juan ease sew purr groove E
