02 July, 2010

Late night drive

Friday is usually the day I post some crazy, obnoxious, pulsating track(s) to hype everyone up for the upcoming weekend debauchery. But that's not really where my mind is at right now.

I'm more concerned with that late-night drive home, once the festivities are complete. That trek home can sometimes feel like forever. I know, for me, I wish I could just teleport to my bedroom. Unfortunately, that's not possible. So I like my drive to be as peaceful and calm as possible. This is a time I like to reflect and zone out.

I've already written about Little People in a previous post, but I felt the need to revisit the work of this compelling artist today. I'm in a very reflective mood, and I think these are the tracks I'll be listening to all weekend. If you like Portishead and/or Tricky, you'll love this.

So download these nostalgic tunes, and zone out tonight.

Little People - Unsaid

Little People - Breathe Again (feat. Rachel Roberts)

Little People - Start Shootin'

Little People - Eitheror


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