22 June, 2009

For Neda, For Iran, For Freedom

I posted this track just a couple of weeks ago. But after everything that has been happening in Iran the past seven days, I found it only fitting to post it again today.

I'm still in shock that so many people around me are completely ignorant to the current situation in Iran. Open your eyes, pals. People are dying, fighting for their freedom. The government is killing its own people. And this terror continues. If you're one of the many people who are more concerned with Perez Hilton's feud with Will.I.Am than foreign affairs, do yourself a favor and do a quick google search on Iran. Educate yourself. Get involved.

And if you don't know who Neda is, get off your silly little cloud and watch the video. I'm not going to post the link; you can find it yourself. Neda was a young, beautiful woman who was protesting with her father in Iran. Sadly, she was targeted and killed, and it was captured on video. People all over the world began posting this video on Facebook and Twitter. Apparently, her name means "voice" in Persian. How fitting; she has become the voice representing change in Iran.

If only social media emerged 15 years ago. Maybe the former Yugoslavia wouldn't be in the state it's in now. Maybe Americans would be more aware that there's more to this life than Heidi and Spencer and E! News. The world needs a revolution now more than ever.


Gorillaz - Kids With Guns (Hot Chip Remix)


  1. I am just hearing about this today but thanks for the heads-up.

    (If it's any consolation, I didn't know Perez got punched until this morning, either.)

  2. What's going on in Iran is terrible. I really respect the Iranians for fighting for their rights. We Americans didn't even show that much outrage when our elections were fixed.

    It is sad that the U.S. government will sit by and watch these atrocities happen in Iran but I also think it might hurt the Iranian patriotism if a superpower like the US steps in to help (read occupy) like they did in Iraq.

    Because of the media blackout, I guess we just have to be vigilant and watch what comes from all of this. These people are not new to the ideas of freedom and democracy, they've been fighting for years.

    If you'd like to get a look at what life in Iran has been during our lifetime, check out the movie "Persepolis," the animated movie that came out in 2007 about a girl who grows up during the Islamic revolution.


    Viva Revolucion!

  3. OHHHHH MAN!!! I love how your blog just totally shifted into a political debate! Jazzy...I know you posted this to get peoples' opinions...here's mine. My aim is not to offend anyone, but these are topics that I'm very passionate about.

    The post by "Anonymous"(mainly the first two paragraphs) is absolute nonsense!

    The U.S. Government CANNOT DO ANYTHING about what is going on in Iran. They're not just "sitting by" and "watching atrocities." If we were to step one foot into that situation, it would be the straw that broke the camel's back. Our relationship with Iran is on the thinnest thread right now, that if we were to get involved, all hell would break loose! You think it's bad now... just give Iran's ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS TYRANNICAL government with nuclear ambitions a legitimate excuse to attack the U.S. ... this would give North Korea(also with nuclear ambitions) an ally with a common enemy and could potentially be a recipe for World War III. Look up some footage on Iran's "Re-Elected President" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at rallys in Iran declaring death to ALL Americans with thousands of supporters cheering and chanting! Scary stuff! Very Hitler-like! And in case you're wondering...they don't care if you're Liberal, Conservative, or indifferent.

    Secondly...God forbid we hurt Iranian patriotism...WHAT ABOUT AMERICAN PATRIOTISM?!?!?! There are soooo many ignorant people in this country brainwashed by the media who criticize every little thing about our country and think its cool to do so! WAKE UP!!! You live in the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!! HANDS DOWN!!! CASE CLOSED!!! Anyone who disagrees needs to find somewhere else to live instead of going to great lengths to ruin our great country! Is our country perfect? HELL NO! Is our government perfect? Not even close! But there's a reason why there are millions of people trying to get into our country and NO ONE TRYING TO LEAVE! There are 6 Billion people on Earth and 300 million Americans. You ought to be thankful you're in the lucky 5% to be born here!

    Peace! I'M OUT!

  4. David, I agree with almost everything you said. I think we have very similar views but one major difference.

    Number one. Yes, the US is sitting by and watching -- for the reasons that you've stated above. North Korea and Iran are both on politically shakey ground with the rest of the world but they do have us as a common enemy. Obama has made his stance very clear on this issue.

    No doubt, we do live in a global superpower and, just like being born into royalty, we are lucky to have the honor of being a US citizen. We have the freedom to say what we want and to change the government if we feel it is tyranical.

    That freedom was given to us by our founding fathers, a group of skeptical men who created a series of checks and balances to make sure that the governing power would never fall into the wrong hands. Men who made it clear that if our country wasn't the way "we the people," wanted it, we could change it...even if that meant bloodshed.

    I'm not doubting your patriotism at all. It is obvious that you feel very strongly about this topic and it's a shame other people don't have the same fire about it...

    But, if it wasn't for those patriotic men who loved their country, who couldn't leave "good enough" alone and built in mechanisms to change it, we wouldn't be where we are today.

    Once you become complacent with our government, and have complete faith in the men in Washington, the mechanisms they created wont work.

    God Bless America.

  5. Both of you are right. Just like Australia said...If you can't assimilate you need to find somewhere else to live. But I also think that you could make it better here. When they wrote the Constitution they didnt know much about the strength lobbyists would have or about nuclear weapons...but they knew that the constitution had to change for these unexpected circumstances.

  6. Its like a program our or genetic blue print.. we are raised to kill or be killed but eventually we will be killed.. its what they say ,,, a no win situation for use the common folks.. You wont find the congress men or presidents kids with guns in the army if so def not any type of war.. In the song the beginning you could picture a baby in a crib with those mobile's spinning will i did.... eventually growing up to an teenager and going into the army and being stripped away of his morels and past to only have propaganda inserted and reprogrammed in there tiny pea brain heads..once they have some to say..NO..just push it push it real

    Kids minds already programed and real to kill.. Or be Killed

  7. Amen!!!

    Greece had over a month of non-stop rioting back in December....that's what this country needs desperately!

    Antifa baby!!!

