11 December, 2009

Finally I meet you

So this blog is approaching its one year in existence, and as I look back at the past few weeks I realize that I definitely veered off my intended path. I look at my first few posts and remember how much I focused on house, pure house music. And it's funny I make this realization today, because as I was driving this morning, "Finally" by Kings of Tomorrow started playing in my ride. And there is no house track that is more true. Everything about this track is intentional and powerful.

When I listen to her words, I think of falling in love. I think of all the obstacles I've overcome. I think of saying goodbye to the past and hello to the future. I think of how much better it feels to embrace the sour times because they make the sweet taste that much sweeter.

My favorite lyrics: "I had a dream my trip would end up at you, and now I know paradise."

So it's only fitting that my blog takes another direction sometimes; my life does too. But I always return to what I know to be true and what makes me feel alive.

Cheers, web friends! I introduce (or reintroduce) you to what may be one of the greatest house tracks produced.

Kings of Tomorrow - Finally



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  3. Ah yes, I remember this track. Nice pick Jasi! :)
