03 November, 2009

You love her, she loves him

It's a pretty simple equation. And it happens all the time. Why do we always want what we can't have? Something about the impossible that makes us even more hungry for that which is unrequited.

"Cause maybe you want him. Like you want me. Only truly." Ouch.

"It hurts when you rule me. And the whole world can see through me." Damn.

I don't have much to say today. This track is sick, and it possesses so much power, passion and intensity. The remix is heavy. The more I listen to it, the more it stings. Don't worry, it's a good sting.

The American Analog Set - The Green Green Grass

The American Analog Set - The Green Green Grass (Telefon Tel Aviv Remix)



  1. I agree, it sucks to desire someone so much that you can only express yourself in the music of North Texas shoegaze indie-rockers. I have been there man. Right now I have an unrequited love with a grilled cheese, but that is not here nor there. Maybe we can talk about my issues with cheese on Thursday!

  2. Do you know anything about logo design? I'm having some issues with that as well.
