07 May, 2009

Starting the weekend early

I haven't been my usual self lately. I've been laying low, staying in, relaxing. And that needs to change. NOW. So I figured who better to get me amped than Cut Copy? There's something about this Australian group that gets me in a happy, toe-tapping mood. You hear a little bit of 80s new wave infused into their electro-pop riffs. It's heavy!

Now, although I love Cut Copy's original tracks, I absolutely love any remix they introduce. Similar to MSTRKRFT, these guys are able to take a decent track and make it hot. So, today we're getting into the groove, friends. We're starting the weekend early with a healthy dose of Cut Copy.

I will confess: I have not listened to the original version of either of these songs. Cut Copy's remixes ruin the originals for me; I don't even care to listen to the originals because in my mind nothing can beat a good Cut Copy edit.

The Presets - Girl And The Sea (Cut Copy Remix)

1 comment:

  1. You know I despise this glowstick waving, Persian, Macedonian, Serbian and Greek attracting song. Eminem in a song he wrote told me not to listen to techno. Greatest advice ever. HOWEVER, for you glow stick, frat boy, butt pirates this song is probably great. For me, I am reminded of walking through a Euro Trashed Club, plugging my nose avoiding the BO Oder spots in the club. I love you Jazzy, but I hate this song. One bright part, i must admit, is the whole thought of Paris burning.
